Monday 14 September 2015

Problem with Phone Cases?
While having these phones, tablets and computers, you got to have a case for it for the protection of your gadget right?
Let me tell you why i don't use cases.
The more and more recently these flagship phones coming out now days are focused more and more on their design and spec matter less and less. The first thing you care about while picking a phone is the software features and the design, hardware and the feel in the hand.
That's why these manufacturers have spent hundreds and hundreds of hours of research and development creating this meticulously precised designs where every curve every edge has a reason.The button placement, the build material, the shape and the size, everything has a purpose. They make the phone thinner, lighter. They push the limits of physics to fit as bigger battery or as many camera lenses or as big as speakers possible into this beautifully designed phone. So you appreciate these little details.
But then a case manufacturer comes along and no offence to any case manufacturer but they spend maybe a week to study the dimentions of this new phone and come up with the piece of rubber and plastic to put over the top of your phone to protect it. So you put this piece on your phone and the beauty is gone. All the sharp details, curves and design, everything that they were trying to impress you with, the way it feels in the hand is gone.
But you got to have some sort of protection on your phone. Well it turns out that in drop tests where why actually have a case on it, it is proven that basically no case can prevent your phone from getting damaged when you drop it from any significant height. When you drop your phone, on the screen especially is going to get damaged. The screen protector you can apply on the front and back of your phone really are thick enough at this point to protect your phone to the same amount as a thin rubber case would.
I personally don't put a case on because i care about the design of it, and if you do too, then it doesn't make any sense to cover that up with a piece of rubber. So let me know are you a case person or you carry your phone naked because i know lots of people like it naked wink emoticon .

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